Words of Wisdom
The Care Desk is not just software it is a gesture to community that surrounds Sunrise Ranch within the confines of the campus and worldwide that says '...
Tue, 15 Mar, 2016 3:50 PM
When we work in agreement with other members of our group, team, community, and world we can create beauty.
We in the Care Desk team contemplate how...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2016 3:19 PM
If you are planning one year ahead, Plant Rice.
If you are planning ten years ahead, Plant Trees
If you are planning one hundred years ahead, Educate y...
Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 3:06 PM
Attunement is an energy medicine practice and a consciousness practice. So it is both the shared generation of life energy between two people, ...
Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 3:21 PM
From a talk by David Karchere:
Here are the keys to the 7 dimensions of professionalism in managing others and in daily work/life:
Act always wi...
Wed, 4 May, 2016 4:10 PM
We at Sunrise Ranch support collaboration but even beyond that we wish to practice openness for co-creation towards a world that engenders more wisdom and l...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2017 11:25 AM