May 9th 2017

 Hello, Sunrise Ranchers!

 As you have probably heard, we have been working for the past several months
 to develop a discounted plan to offer phones to residents and staff

 All along, it has been our desire to offer reliable mobile service to help
 us conduct the business of the Ranch. We have also been interested in
 offering Ranch residents with a low-cost mobile phone option for their own 
personal use. That is why we purchased up-to-date phones. With cellular

 service in the valley that is sometimes unreliable it was
important to have phones that were capable of doing wi-fi calling.

We wanted to offer a plan that would:

 * Be significantly discounted

 * Have WIFI calling available (smart phones) - to bolster the signal on
 campus - whenever possible (some older phones do not have this feature)

 * Be offered to anybody who has been at the ranch for a set period of time

 * Be managed using monthly charge back via the AR accounts

 * Have 2 Gigabytes of data use per month - double the typical minimum
 on most basic plans

We  have negotiated favorable corporate rates with
 AT&T that are well below what is generally charged for individual users. We
 are offering further subsidies to lower those rates further, making it more
 affordable for those who desire a phone for their own personal use.

Some phones may be provided free of charge to staff by prior agreement.

FSE and non-staff must have lived on ranch for 6 months prior to being qualified for phone plan

Any key business staff who plan to have their ranch phones for personal use will pay one rate.

All other staff will pay another rate. Check with IT to see which rate you are offered.

 Here are the current monthly rates we are able to offer:

 People With an Authorized Business Use $15

 All others $28

New phones are $35 with an additional $8.99 for insurance ($43.99)

 This plan will commence on April 1, 2017.
Yes there is some fine print.. These deals require an agreement (may be email)
 outlines the rules for using the phones the bullet list for these rules

 Policy for all Phones:

 * Phones are offered to new staff (after three months of service) and all others who have been residents for 6 months (including FSE participants)

*Phone holders must be residents of Sunrise Ranch (some exceptions apply, contact IT)

* All phones should be used responsibly. No international call are allowed
 unless by special agreement.
 * Data limit for each device will be 2 GB (double the typical commercial
 plan costing $65/month)
 * If Data limit is reached on any month then the cost of the phone will go
 up $10/month to put limits on it for the future.
 * IF data limit is discovered during a billing period the IT team may
 suspend the phone for remainder of the billing period and then apply the
 limiting charge (above).
 * Phone holders will be responsible for their phones, there is no guarantee
 of replacement if broken or lost.

>>>> New phones will require an additional $8.99 monthly insurance cost and may be at a higher monthly rate

 * Phones may be taken back by the ranch if policy is not followed by phone
 * All phone holders will need to sign an agreement to this effect (email response will be suitable)
 * Monthly cost will be managed through the staff A/R account unless otherwise negotiated
 * In the event of routine termination of employment, the staff member will have the option
 to purchase the phone(s) and contracting with a carrier for their own
 service or returning the phone to IT department.

Please consider that this is a new policy and will likely change over time. We will make those changes visible to all who sign up.

Also consider that this policy covers the standard phones provided to date by Sunrise Ranch. 

If you are interested in taking advantage of this mobile phone plan contact IT via the care desk or directly to

-Atom Terpening 

Message updated in May, 2017