We at the Care Desk want to keep our knowledge base up to date. Not everybody has the time to sit down and push out all the genius they have acquired over the years into several solution articles. The Email-to-KBase capability in Care Desk lets a support agent(the one resolving a ticket) to convert ticket replies into solution articles. Just cc the reply (from within FreshService or from the agent's email client) to your Knowledge base and the solution article is good to go!

But it also lets any of the community of requesters do the same.

Quick guide to sending an email to the knowledge base:

  • Send out a response to a ticket as always, including instructions to do something.
  • In the bcc field, add <kbase@sunriseranch.freshservice.com>. 
  • Hit the Send button to finish sending the response.
  • A knowledge base draft would have been created under the Drafts section.

    A Care Desk admin will have a look at these drafts and turn them into properly formatted knowledge base articles.

    Additionally, you can also convert the knowledge hidden in your old email conversations, without having to compose them all over again. Just forward a copy of your email to your FreshService Knowledge Base and your new article is ready as a draft for you to review and publish.

    If you have any solution you'd like to propose go ahead and email it to kbase@sunriseranch.freshservice.com